Type A2 alcove art

Authors nthiery
Sources 2015-12-16-alcoves.svg
Machine laser_cutter
Date 2015/12/16
Material olive tree wood

I built this as a gift for a colleague working on crystals and root systems. This represents an alcove walk in the root system of type A2. It is laser cut in a slice of wood coming from an olive tree in Provence that died of frost in the harsh winter of 1955. It’s about 10 cm high and 4 mm thick.

Below some detailed instructions.

Preparation of the wood slice:

Cut a branch using a band saw into slices of thickness roughly 3 mm.

Construction of the SVG file

Build a base file alcove.svg using Sage

sage: L = RootSystem(["A",2,1]).ambient_space()
sage: w1 = [0,1,2,0,2,1,2,1,0,2,0,2,1,2,1,2,0,2,0,1,2,1,0,1]
sage: p = L.plot(alcove_walk=w1, bounding_box=[[-4.5,4.5],[-2.5,6]], fundamental_chamber=False, labels=False)    # long time
sage: for x in p:
....:     if isinstance(x, sage.plot.arrow.Arrow):
....:        x._options['arrowsize'] = 3
sage: p.save("alcove.svg")


Discard the white background:

S’assurer que le dessin est composé uniquement d’à plats, sans contours:

Sauvegarder dans alcove-sans-fond.svg


Découpe à la forme du bout de bois

Dessin frontière

Ajout de la frontière aux alcoves

Intersection avec l’intérieur de la frontière

Extraction du contour de coupe

Enlever le cercle extérieur


Afficher le calque Bois


Other Sage alcove pictures we may want to lazer cut or 3D print

3D picture

sage: L = RootSystem(["A",3,1]).ambient_space()
sage: L.plot(reflection_hyperplanes=False, bounding_box=85/100) # long time

3D Wireframe picture:

sage: L = RootSystem(["B",3,1]).ambient_space()
sage: W = L.weyl_group()
sage: alcoves = [~w for d in range(12) for w in W.affine_grassmannian_elements_of_given_length(d)]
sage: p = L.plot_fundamental_chamber("classical")
sage: p += L.plot_alcoves(alcoves=alcoves, wireframe=True)
sage: p += L.plot_fundamental_weights()
sage: p.show(frame=False)